Venturing is a year-round
program for young men and women who are 14 through 20 years of age, or 13 and have completed the
eighth grade.
Venturing's purpose is to provide positive experiences to
help young people mature and to prepare them to become
responsible and caring adults.
Venturing is based on a unique and dynamic relationship
between youth, adult leaders, and organizations in their
communities. Local community organizations establish a Venturing
crew by matching their people and program resources to the
interests of young people in the community. The result is a
program of exciting and meaningful activities that helps youth
pursue their special interests, grow, develop leadership skills,
and become good citizens.
Venturing crews can specialize in a variety of avocation or
hobby interests.
part of the BSA "Learning for Life" division, is a career education program for young men and women who
are 14 through 20 years of age, or 13 and have completed the
eighth grade. Exploring is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between
youth and the organizations in their communities. Local community
organizations initiate a specific Explorer Post by matching their
people and program resources to the interests of young people in the
community. The result is a program of activities that helps youth
pursue their special interests, grow, and develop.
Our district's posts have the following areas of
Sea Scouts
Sea Scouts is one of the
oldest programs in Scouting, dating back to 1912. As of
2016, Sea Scouts have resumed their status as a
separate program in the BSA, with the same
membership requirements as Venturing. Advancement and
recognition is an important part of the Sea Scout experience.
These experiences help Sea Scouts to set realistic goals to
achieve rank, accomplish projects, and gain knowledge and
understanding of the world around them.
There's a Crew, Ship or Post near
For a search facility with up-to-date map and
information on units see BeAScout.org
If you are interested in starting a new Pack, Troop,
Post or Crew in your area, please contact the Taughannock District
Executive at DE@TompkinsCortlandScouts.org
Crews, Ship and Posts in Taughannock District