University of Scouting Resources
Cub Scout Focus Courses

Also see the Cub Scout Resources page

Advancement See:

BSA National Guide to Advancement - link to National Site
US Scouting Service Project - Cub Scout Advancement

BALOO See National Training Courses
Bear Leaders – KISMIF (Keep it simple, make it fun)!  See Wolf and Bear - KISMIF
Cub Leader tips from a veteran Cubmaster: A Cub Den or Pack is often a new Scouter's first exposure to being a Scout Leader. This roundtable course will combine an open-ended discussion of your concerns with "war stories" from the group under the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable veteran Cub Leader. 2019 Power Point Presentation - ppsx
Cub Scout Awards Overview  2018 Presentation - PowerPoint or PDF

2011 PowerPoint Presentation - note: some badge-specific information is obsolete

World Conservation Award Criteria - PDF

Outdoor Activity Award Certificate:

Outdoor Activity Award Criteria - PDF

Cub Scout Uniform - Placement of Awards (from BSA Insignia Guide)

Cub Scout BSA Family Program - Is your family disintegrating from helter-skelter activities? Then this workshop is for you!!!  Cub Scouting's Family Program is designed to strengthen the family, and to encourage family involvement in Scouting.  We’ll look at how a Pack can implement this as part of a yearly program. PowerPoint Presentation
Cub Scout Camps: Learn about District- and Council-Level camping opportunities for Cubs. What will they do? How do you handle homesickness? How do you prepare the Cubs and their parents? Both resident and non-resident camping opportunities will be covered. Day camp, Cub Weekends and resident camp can be scary for Cubs as well as parents. Learn what goes on and how to prepare everyone for the fun times ahead. Cub Scout Camping (link to B-P Council website)

2016 Cub Camping Brochure (PDF)

Adventure Loops - Camp Opportunities (PDF)
Camping Explanations (PDF)
Camping for Cubs (PDF)
Cub Scout Shooting Sports Award Requirements (PDF)
Not a Happy Camper (PDF)
Outdoor Activity Award (PDF)
Working with Homesick Scouts (PDF)

Internet Links:

Cub Scout Games - Learn some great games and how you can use them to develop teamwork, exercise muscles, channel energy, and have fun. Here are some great games you can play with your den and at pack meetings. Don't forget to include the PARENTS who will have more fun than the Cub Scouts! 2018 Presentation - PDF
2017 Presentation - PDF
2015 Power Point Presentation
2012 PowerPoint Presentation
2007 PowerPoint Presentation - also PDF Version

Cub Games 

The following are all PDF: 

Easy Games
PowWow 2000 - 163 Games
More Cub Games
Fin Fun Games
MacScouter Big Book of Games - Vol 1 - Vol2
Santa Clara Council Pow Wow Games
Games for Boy Scouts
Games around the world
Baden-Powell Games Book
Tips and Tricks for games

Cub Scout Instruments - Learn by doing how to make and use simple musical instruments with the Cubs. Websites for making instruments - pdf

Books on instrument making - pdf

Cub scOUTING: Get those kids outside!: Pump up your program, enthuse your parents, and get your Cubs fit through the ScoutStrong program. Learn the ins and outs and do's and don'ts of camping and Cub Scout outings. 2017 Presentation - PDF
2015 PowerPoint Presentation - ppsx
2011 PowerPoint Presentation - pps
Cub Camping - 2004 PowerPoint Presentation - pps

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award - PDF
Cub Scout Leave No Trace Award - PDF
Cub Scout World Conservation Award - PDF
National Summertime Pack Award - PDF

From BALOO Leader Training:
Cub Outdoor Program - PDF
Equipment for Cub Camping

Cubmaster / Pack Committee Position Specific Training See National Training Courses
Cubs Can Cook! Getting Beyond the Hobo Meal: Learn fun and tasty ways to prepare simple meals in this hands-on workshop. Teach your Cubs that it's fun to cook and you will feed them for a lifetime! Notes and Recipes - PDF
Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide Links to National Website:
Den Chiefs & Denners - Den Chiefs and Denners - who are these helpers? How do I use them in my den? What Training do these helpers need? How can they help make the den more successful? These questions and more can be solved in this seminar. 2010 PowerPoint presentation
Den Chief Training - This course offers a full day of training for Den Chiefs. The Den Chiefs will take the on-line BSA training, plus three University of Scouting courses. 2019 Power Point Presentation

2013 Power Point Presentations:

Emergency Action Plans For Cub Scout Packs - Has your Pack ever had to deal with a lost child or a medical emergency? What if high winds or an electrical storm turned an activity into an exercise in emergency preparedness? Receive practical tips about human responses to emergencies, the mechanism of survival, and how you can prepare for the unexpected. 2018 Emergency Action Plans presentation (Lynn Green) - PDF
2018 Emergency Action Plans handout (Lynn Green) - PDF

2013 Emergency Action Plans for Packs Handout (Ed Plesnar) - PDF
2013 Emergency Action Plans course notes (Ed Plesnar) - PDF


Exciting Webelos Program - This course is especially recommended for bear den leaders preparing to become Webelos den leaders. We will show you how to make your Webelos Den successful.
(Note: The new Cub program effective June 1, 2015, obsoletes material on the old advancement program. Therefore, material on Activity Badges is now obsolete and has been removed - for more information, see "The New Cub Scout Advancement Program")
Exciting Webelos Program:
2009 PowerPoint Presentation  (Lisa Vroman)
2008 PowerPoint Presentation (Greg Shepard / Diane Hamlin)

Webelos Den Meeting Program
Webelos Planning Guide - PDF

Webelos Den Leader skit - Bandana - PDF

First Aid for Cub Scouts: All levels of Scouting have a first aid component. Learn the basics of first aid and how to teach them to Cubs - Tigers through Webelos - so that they are prepared to help and to advance. Build a base for the future. Internet Links:
Growing your Pack - proven strategies for success - Successful Packs make recruiting Cub Scouts a year-round process. Learn how to recruit all year long and to make most out of your recruiting events. 2019 Power Point Presentaiton - ppsx
2017 Power Point Presentation - ppt
2015 PowerPoint presentation - pps

Pack 107 Parent Information Sheet (PDF)
Pack 234 Calendar (XLS)
Cub Scout Bookmarks (DOC)
Recruitment Sign-in (XLSX)

If Lost in the Woods: This program prepares Cub Leaders to teach Cub and Webelos scouts the fundamentals of what to do if lost in the woods. It is based on a proven program used by both the Canadian and US Park Services and by school systems in the Pacific Northwest. References Handout - PDF
Keeping Cubs interested in a Virtual World: For the foreseeable future, Zoom Meetings and Online Activities will be an integral part of Scouting. While we look forward to returning to the face-to-face environment, we need to appropriately plan for online Scouting. But how do you engage interest in the “screen”? How do you connect what you are saying to “doing something” at home? How do you engage Scouts, their families, and your Unit through an internet connection? It’s a challenge and this course will help prime you with ideas. 2020 PowerPoint Presentation (PPTX)

Cub Scout Jeopardy game (PPTX)

Nova/Supernova/STEM for Cubs - BSA's NOVA Awards program incorporates learning with cool activities and exposure to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) for Cub Scouts. Learn all about this award program. Combined with Scout course - see Nova/Supernova/STEM course in alphabetical listing
Pack & Den Ceremonies - Ceremonies are fun and help develop Unit identity and individual pride in advancement. Come and learn how you can crank things up a notch and make your Pack activities, Blue & Gold, and Bridging ceremonies meaningful and memorable. 2019 Ceremonies Book - PDF
2017 PowerPoint Presentation
2010 PowerPoint Presentation

Write up on Arrows - PDF

Pictures of completed arrows - PDF

US Scouting Service Project Cub Ceremonies page (link)

Pinewood Derby and Beyond - Cubs and their families love Pinewood Derbies, but there are lots of other activities that involve "things that move" - Space and Rocket Derbies, Raingutter Regattas and Bike Rodeos - and your Cubs will enjoy them as well. Come and get new ideas that you can take back to speed your Unit to fun and enjoyment! 2017 Presentation - PDF

2022 Taughannock District Pinewood Derby Notes - MSWord

Pinewood Derby Diagram - PDF

Taughannock District Pinewood Derby Rules: Microsoft Word - PDF

Pizzazz In Cub Meetings - Meetings dry and boring? Are even the Cub Scouts falling asleep? Here's how to kick it up a notch, and make your meetings FUN and EXCITING! 2013 PowerPoint presentation
2007 PowerPoint presentation - also in PDF (Don Toner)

Skits-a-Mazoo! - PDF

Pow-Wow notes from another council - PDF

Den Assignments form from Pack 4 - PDF

See "General" for songbooks, etc.

Planning Pack Events - Pack activities and the Blue & Gold Banquet - learn how to "pack in" more program without straining your pack's resources. Make your pack more dynamic by planning great pack activities and taking advantage of District and Council events. 2011 PowerPoint Presentation

Transparencies from 2008 Presentation - PDF
Yearly Planning Notes - PDF
Presentation Notes
Cub NutCup - with instructions - three cups - PDF

Program Planner - 2010-2011 - Excel Spreadsheet

Sample Calendars and Event Brochures:
Pack 24 2010 Calendar - PDF
Pack 24 2010 Summer Brochure - PDF
Pack 24 2010 Fall Brochure - PDF

Pack 162 Calendar - PDF
Troop 80 combined schedule

Scoutbook  - an introduction to BSA's new software package for packs and troops 2018 Presentation - PDF
Scoutbook Basics - PDF

ScoutBook Instructions:

  • ScoutBook for Parents - PDF
  • ScoutBook for Leaders - PDF
Scrounge!: Learn from an expert how to create Cub Scout activities right from your recycle bin, along with some very useful general camping hacks. 2022 PowerPoint Presentation
Webelos to Scout Transition - The transition from Webelos to Scouts BSA means new roles and responsibilities. Learn how to prepare your boys, their parents, and their leaders for By Leadership. Learn about cutting the strings and letting those potential eagles soar! 2020 Presentation - PPTX - (Mark Rozenkrantz)
2018 Materials - PDF
2017 Presentation - PDF (Tom Sorensen)
2011 PowerPoint Presentation (Jim Graney)
2006 PowerPoint Presentation (Greg Shepard)

The Webelos to Scout Transition - QuickTime movie

Webelos to Scout Transition Plan (BSA publication) - PDF

A Parent's Guide to the Webelos-to-Scout Transition - PDF

2007 Handout and Resource List - PDF

Senior Webelos Banners handout from Pack 4- PDF

Wolf and Bear - KISMIF -- Keep it Simple, Make it Fun! - Learn how to plan a spectacular year of activities and program that lead to advancement. Avoid the springtime rush to finish and make sure everyone has fun along the way. Class notes - PDF

Bear Den Meeting Planning Sheet - PDF MSW

Year Round Pack Program - How to keep your Cub Scouts active and happy all year along. We will discuss summertime activities, the National Summertime Pack Award and the Centennial Quality Unit Award.

Budgeting Information - PDF MSW
Cub Calendar - PDF MSW
Pack Meeting Planning Sheet - PDF MSW
Rechartering Begins with School Signup - PDF MSW
School Night Information Sheet - PDF MSW
School Night signup checklist - PDF MSW
Unit Cross Reference form - PDF MSW
Unit Information Sheet - PDF MSW
Unit Roster (blank form) - PDF MSW
We signed up for Scouting! - PDF MSW

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